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P/N: DHZ5276

Accessory, Bosch DHZ5276, Standard odor filter (replacement) for entry glass inclined hood DWK67EM60 and 60 & 90 pyramid design hoods

BOSCH аспиратори >> Bosch DHZ5276 Recommended service
Recommended service
Национален телефон за обслужване: 0700 20 817, Сотиров сервиз, тел: 02/ 833 41 70,02/ 931 50 62, 02/ 833 41 95, 02/ 931 12 33, Адрес: София, 1233, ул. Козлодуй 113, имейл:



Compatible with Аспиратори
Features 1 For air recirculation mode
Features 2 Spare filter
Features 3 Functionality in fish odors: Specially treated against fish odors
Warranty 24 months

EAN: 4242002714004